A day and boarding school for girls and boys aged 4 to 18 in Shebbear, Devon

Horizons – UCAS & Careers

Our innovative careers department, Horizons prepares all of our pupils for their lives beyond school.

The programme starts at Form One (Year 7) and goes right through to the Upper Sixth (Year 13), guiding our students through those all important decisions for their future. The many, varied opportunities offered to pupils include visits from outside speakers and participation in the scheme ‘National Citizens Service’, amongst others. Form 5 (Year 11) pupils have sessions on study skills and revision techniques and Lower Sixth pupils visit the annual UCAS Fair in Exeter.

We also work with Futuresmart, who provide independent professional advice through an expert careers service, and we have access to the fantastic Unifrog resource which offers comprehensive information about university courses and apprenticeships schemes in the UK and overseas.

In terms of post 16 careers education, we have a programme dedicated to university applications, which includes advice on writing personal statements, choosing courses and universities, roadshow visits from international universities and talks from outside specialist speakers.

We have talks on diverse topics such as finance, resilience and study skills.

Each student has individual guidance with their application, particularly their personal statement, from their tutor and from Mrs Aliberti, who oversees each application personally.

There is also advice on apprenticeships and gap years for those who do not want to apply to university. Pupils who have previously left Shebbear can also benefit from our advice and frequently ask for further careers advice after they have left – we are always very happy to help.

We are keen to develop experience of work and volunteering outside of school and all pupils are encouraged to arrange work experience from Form 5 (Year 11) upwards. We would love to hear from you if you can offer our pupils any opportunities in this area.


Sessions run by Futuresmart:

Over the seven years of Senior School, pupils see the same Careers Officer and build up a relationship with them so that the advice offered in the Sixth Form is from a perspective of real knowledge about the pupil. Pupils cover a range of topics including learning styles and skills development, personality and self-awareness, the skills and temperament needed for different careers and subjects and study skills.

In Form 5 (Year 11), pupils begin the detailed Careers Guidance programme. This programme offers one-to-one career and higher education guidance which lasts until they are 23 years old, taking them through A-level choices or other post 16 studies, researching and selecting universities, planning a gap year and preparing for employment.

Psychometric profiles are followed by personal interviews and the report and resulting action plan are available for pupils and parents online. They are offered further support in the form of one-to-one guidance interviews in the Lower Sixth and mock university interviews in the Upper Sixth and are able to email Futuresmart directly at any time with queries.