ISI Inspection
Excellent Inspection Report – November 2024
All Standards Met
When considering which school to send your children to, it is important to look at a school’s ISI Inspection Report (the Ofstead equivalent for Independent Schools). We are extremely proud to have achieved another excellent Inspection Report for our latest Inspection, which took place in November 2024, continuing our reputation as an excellent school in all areas.
With the new inspection framework coming into effect from September 2023, there are no overall judgements within the report. Instead, it is broken into five areas with a detailed analysis of how Shebbear College operates in relation to each. Each standard is described as either met or not met (there are no grades) and we are pleased to say that we had the best possible outcome, with all standards met.
Teachers’ subject knowledge is secure, and they deliver engaging activities, which contribute to pupils’ high levels of focus in lessons.
Pupils demonstrate kindness and consideration towards others
Relationships between staff and pupils in lessons are open, relaxed and respectful, and pupils are highly engaged, attentive and well behaved.
Safeguarding has a high profile and is well embedded across the school community
Pupils respect differences between people and develop a clear sense of social awareness and responsibility.
You can read the full report below:
Inspection Report November 2024
Inspection Report September 2021
Regulatory Compliance Report 2017